How to make money online? Discover 8 good ideas

Today, the steps to earn money online do not exist because almost everyone has an Internet connection: why not use it to earn a quick euro?

Whether the detractors like it or not, several serious practices make it possible to make ends meet, some of them even give the opportunity to create a real source of income thanks to the Internet.

Let's take a look at the specific tools that can help you earn money online and enter more or less important amounts.

All you have to do is choose the methods that suit you best.

You should know that only scammers promise to make you rich without getting tired or living without working. However, you will see that these hypotheses are not completely ruled out.

When to start?

It is good that you ask yourself this question if you want to start in the world of “paid surfing”. There are so many processes to explore…

It is not always easy for a beginner to know where to start. But don't worry: we are here with you to solve it. Let's break down each step in detail. Thanks to the credible online opportunities and after reading this article, you will have all the cards in your hands to start off on the right foot.

First of all, to earn money you need these 5 qualities :
  1. Motivation: You should always believe in yourself. Whatever your personality (or your skills), you can do it and get something that improves your everyday life. So above all, be ambitious and stay motivated!
  2. Clarity: Don't expect to make "crazy money" without any effort. There are dozens of profitable techniques, but unfortunately there is no silver bullet.
  3. Perseverance: In general, this quality pays off, as financial comfort will eventually be achieved. You will never get much overnight. We will do it gradually, in several stages. Is it not correct to say that "everything comes in due time to those who know how to wait"?
  4. Curiosity: find out well. In this way, you will find out about the best offers. Many other sources of information on the Internet will direct you to the ones that you cannot miss visiting.
  5. Vigilance : This quality perfectly complements the previous one. Avoid scammers who can waste your time or worse, all your savings.

Is it realistic to make money online?

If you are asking this legitimate question, as many readers do, here is the answer: of course you are. In order to easily earn money online, take a look at the different methods listed below; they are available regardless of your user profile. These are actual methods :

Participate in paid surveys

Do you know that companies are interested in your opinion to improve their products and services? In order for them to expand their business, participate in award-winning market studies. As a thank you, you will receive money in PayPal, for example (or gifts). Each of your participations entitles you to a small amount of money, but accumulating it is a good initiative to earn more every day.

Thus, when you join a group of consumers, you get paid to participate in surveys or questionnaires about your personal habits and tastes. On average, you will earn several tens of euros a month by signing up to various paid survey sites. The advantage of signing up for many of these types of offers is that you will receive new survey offers every day.

Read paid emails

There is nothing easier than checking your inbox. Thanks to the web, you can now be rewarded for receiving advertising emails. Also, it is mostly business transactions: exclusive discounts, free shipping, strong sales, etc.

Specifically, in order to earn some money without investing it, they keep asking you to visit websites (and sometimes even register on them) or even install an app to find out. As with paid surveys, the monthly fees can be in the tens of euros. So the goal is not to make it your main source of income, but to make ends meet without too much difficulty.

Earn money with online purchases

Did you know that every purchase you make online can earn you money? In fact, some of your purchases are refunded through a partnership established between the online store where you buy and the cashback site ( the intermediary through which you go to the online store ).

To simplify the procedure, most cashback sites offer the installation of a "shopping bar" in the form of a browser extension. The amount that is reimbursed for each purchase varies greatly, from 3% to 50% of your order, depending on the corresponding store and the type of products purchased.

Thanks to the principle of cashback, which means "money back", you earn without having to do anything other than regular purchases. It's a good idea, and to take advantage of it, you only have to take one step: register and go through one or more cashback websites. The options are many. You can choose the ones that suit you best according to your shopping habits.

In the case of a large expense (furniture, appliances, high-tech products, etc.) you will receive a large sum in return. It always shows and your purchasing power will only improve.

Become a producer online

Why not produce yourself? Tiktokeur and Youtubeur are undoubtedly very trendy new professions that can really make you famous and fortune.

With TikTok, become an influencer to collaborate with brands that will pay you to have your videos seen. Create your videos from almost anywhere in the world on topics you care about - the goal is to go viral to build a large community of subscribers.
The more people subscribe to you (and interact with your partner's brands), the more money you'll earn on TikTok.

It's no longer a secret: on YouTube, some people have managed to become millionaires in just a few years. How did they get there? They monetize their numerous videos with ads that are seen by millions of Internet users. The income varies from one video to another, but the average is 1,000 euros per million views (100 euros per 100,000 views). If word of mouth works well, a six-figure fortune can be made relatively quickly on the Internet.

On the other hand, obviously not everyone is given to producing good quality videos that are interesting enough to earn that level of pay.

Do you have a good nose for identifying new talent? Some crowdfunding platforms allow you to produce shows, music albums or even short and feature films. You just have to put the amount of money you have and, if the project is successful, you can win gifts.

sell everything online

Old furniture that you no longer need? A collection of comics that you no longer have time to read? A game console that you no longer play? With online classified ads apps, you can sell anything.

It is an especially common practice among people who want to earn money on a daily basis. The most surprising thing is that some sites collect your empty printer cartridges for a few cents or euros. So before throwing them away, always think about reselling them.

A hobby that can be profitable

Are you passionate about sewing or tuning? Or maybe you cook and are used to creating your own recipes, you know that many websites reward you when you post innovative and practical food advice.

If you are more of a sportsman at heart, online betting can also be a potentially lucrative activity.

In another order of things, good photographers sometimes earn considerable sums selling their photos in image banks. Finally, whatever your profile, surely there is a lucrative activity in your image: find yours and spend as much time as possible.

Sell ​​your book through Amazon Kindle

If writing doesn't scare you, why not make an eBook to sell on Amazon? So yes, it is not available to everyone, because in addition to good spelling you have to have resources (or want to share your talent to write a manual).

But the themes are numerous and there is much to choose from. Some "e-books" are a great success in Amazon's Kindle store: that's why they offer their authors a comfortable income.

With Amazon and its many customers, the potential is really huge. If the magic happens, the money and the dream life are yours.

No, seriously, no one is going to lie to you: while this new form of publishing holds promise, success is by no means guaranteed. To hopefully get paid as a reward for your long and painstaking writing, it's important to offer a quality book.

As for your sale price, it must remain affordable to reach as many people as possible (it can be as low as 10 euros). In addition, good publicity when launching your work will be crucial.

Create your own advertising blog

Depending on the number of visitors and the repercussion you get on the net, setting up a blog can bring you a few tens of euros (very useful in addition to your salary) or become your main job.

The advantage of this practice is real: you have the opportunity to easily earn money by dedicating yourself to a subject that interests you. In addition, brands often offer a gift in exchange for fame. Do not forget that you have to reach as many people as possible: that is why you have to choose a unifying theme.

Monetizing your blog is not difficult. It is advertising that will make you money if you manage your affiliate programs, advertising systems or even sponsored content well. So this trick requires a minimum of knowledge and experience, but don't limit yourself to success.

As you can see, there is no shortage of interesting ideas to supplement your online income. They are, above all, simple and especially fast tricks.

As a rule, you don't have to pay anything, so you can always choose free offers.

Don't put off your chances to get rich online too long!

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