PTC Share. A different platform to earn money from home by watching ads, completing tasks and completing sureys, here the diversity to earn income is quite large.
Main Features of PTCShare
- Rating: Good
- Activity: See announcements, Tasks Surveys and others
- Payment Methods: Payeer, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, SolidTrust Pay and Litecoin
- Payment days: Daily
- Minimum charge: $1 Dollar
- Languages: English, Spanish and Vietnamese
- Referral system: Yes, you earn between 7% and 3% of your referrals
- Works for everyone: Yes, anyone can participate
How does PTC Share work?
This company for those who belong to and already have knowledge of the PTC world is the fusion of the PTC and Profit Sharing systems, which means this, that we are going to be able to earn money by watching ads, among other benefits.How to Earn Money with PTC Share
The way in which we can earn is very easy, the theme is similar to other PTCs , we go to the Earn menu and click where it says to see ads or View Ads, there we can see the ads that are going to generate money for us.It is recommended that you do this task from your computer or PC, since if you enter the page to see the advertising from your cell phone, it may be difficult for you to see the ads from your mobile device.
Remember that in addition to the ads you can participate in Click Grid , Cash Offers , Games , Achievements and bonuses , Offers Walls , Survey, Videos, completing the tasks in each one of them.