Request Payoneer payments and charge any company or professional in the world by credit card. Managing your collections can consume a lot of your time and when your clients are in different parts of the world, offering more options for them to pay you is a great advantage to grow those businesses.
In addition, sending data on the amount to be charged, attaching the invoice and adding information on the bank account data to your clients via chat, apps, mail or video call can generate confusion, errors and often leads to headaches, in addition to all the follow-up of collection is on your side.
Your Payoneer account is the key to receive and make international payments, receive funds, manage your digital business or access working capital. Payoneer opens your business to the world. SMEs and MiSMEs can receive Payoneer payments.
In addition, sending data on the amount to be charged, attaching the invoice and adding information on the bank account data to your clients via chat, apps, mail or video call can generate confusion, errors and often leads to headaches, in addition to all the follow-up of collection is on your side.
Your Payoneer account is the key to receive and make international payments, receive funds, manage your digital business or access working capital. Payoneer opens your business to the world. SMEs and MiSMEs can receive Payoneer payments.
How you can receive Payoneer payments with just one click
If you are a freelancer who just finished a project, a contractor who has to collect a retention fee, Payoneer will help you with that.Simply use Payoneer's Request a Payment service to send payment requests to businesses or individuals you work with. Your clients will be able to pay you easily and you will receive their payments quickly and safely. Read on to learn more about the step-by-step process or watch this video tutorial:
Easy: From the platform, send your customers a link by email that they just have to click to pay you by choosing the payment method of their choice. Simple, safe and professional.
You can also track the status of your payment at any time:
1. Login to Payoneer
2. Activity >> Sent Payoneer Payment Requests
3. You will see all sent payment requests and their status
4. Choose a specific payment request. From here, you can:
a. Send your client a manual reminder
b. Cancel the payment request
c. Mark the request as paid, in case your client pays you in another way
d. Copy a direct URL to the payment platform that you can share with your payer