McMoney [What it is and how it works] DOES IT PAY? Opinions

McMoney is an app that allows you to earn passive and automatic money just by receiving text or SMS messages on your mobile or cell phone.

In case you didn't know, McMoney belongs to, a company based in Germany specialized in providing payment and mobile communication solutions. The company has been running since 1999, but the App in question has been online for 2 years, specifically since mid-2018, and since then, paying without a problem.
Do you want to know how to download McMoney, how it works and how to take advantage of it? Let's get to it, but first, don't forget to read until the end if you don't want to be surprised with this app.

Download McMoney Android, iOS and APK

Two things. First of all, the app is available for any country as long as the quota of participants allowed in that territory or country is not exceeded. And the second, unfortunately Mcmoney is only available for Android in its APK version. If your intention was to download McMoney in the Play Store or on your iPhone iOS, I am sorry to tell you that it is NOT possible, it is NOT available.

With that being said, to download McMoney simply follow these simple steps:

1- Download the McMoney APK on your Android mobile from the official McMoneyapp website .
2- Once downloaded, install the app and open it.
3- Enter the information requested and register with your phone number. You must enter the code that you will receive by SMS.
4. If you need a reference code in McMoney I'll leave you mine *****

And little more about the download, installation and registration. As you can see, it doesn't have any complications.

What is McMoney and how does it work?

Once the App is installed you will not have to do anything since by default it is configured so that you start receiving SMS at any moment.

Basic operation

On the left margin you will see the main menu with some functions:

  • Start: Start of the App. Here you will be able to see at a glance the accumulated balance in dollars, the SMS received and the amount that remains to reach the minimum charge.News: 
  • News about Mcmoney. Currently no content.Earnings: Total messages received. They indicate that they pay $0.028 for each message and that the minimum charge is $3.
  • Inbox: History of messages received. You will be able to consult data such as the sender's number, content and date of the message.
  • Account: Details and settings of your McMoney account. Edit your phone number, name and add your PayPal email.

  • Referral: This is the latest news. You can earn an extra bonus with your affiliate or referral system.
And ready. Every 2-3 days, depending on your country, you will receive a text message with symbols. The messages mean nothing, they are tests carried out by certain companies through McMoney and they pay you to use your phone number, simple as that.

It is not necessary to open the App or have it in the background, having it installed will be enough. The sms do not have to be opened either. As soon as you receive them you can delete them.

Does McMoney pay or not?

McMoney currently pays via PayPal when you reach the $3 threshold. When that happens, you will see a button that will allow you to request the withdrawal.

As I have been using the App for such a short time, I still do not have my own proof of payment, but before making this post I have informed myself and I am aware that McMoney pays, therefore, I recommend using it without fear. The proof of payment will arrive. There is no rush.

Update March 2021

On March 2, 2021 I have finally reached the minimum payment after several months receiving messages from McMoney.

In total I have requested $3 that I have generated on my own plus another part of the Bonus from the invitations. Now we will see how long they take to pay.

And said and done. 2 days later, March 4 to be exact, I received the first payment from McMoney in my PayPal account.

With this, the reliability of this App is more than proven. McMoney pays without a doubt

Keep paying in 2022

McMoney Opinions and experience

McMoney complies with its mission, which is none other than sending test messages or sms. The frequency with which they send messages could improve, since you will receive 1 SMS a week or less, so do not expect much. You will earn a few cents a month, no more.

McMoney has been recommended by many Youtubers lately, especially since they updated and implemented referrals. Before, the app worked and paid in the same way and not even "god" recommended it, funny, right?

What does this mean? Very easy. People recommend it only to get referrals, as is the case with most apps, because the app in question is a chestnut. It does not work. To earn money on your own without referrals you will need several months to collect. This is what nobody or few tell you, but it's the reality guys, don't try to kid yourself.

Personal experience

In these months that I have been using the app, this is the result. I hope to collect very soon in this 2021.

As you can see, I've only received about 80 sms in all the months I've been here. Taking into account how little they pay for sms, it's almost not worth it, right? Although hey, there are people who don't mind charging $3 every 5 months for having an app installed, like me, although for different tastes.

I for one will continue to use McMoney as long as I have space to spare on my phone. When the time comes to delete apps I'll see what I do with it.

And well, to finish, a big mistake that the app has. Sometimes the sms you receive does not count, so we are going wrong. If you earn a pittance and on top of that you don't add up to some SMS, then turn it off and let's go.

However, one way or another you already saw the update above. Mc Money Pays and that's what matters!!

Well, you already know everything you need to know. If you are going to download the Apk, here is my McMoney code ***** in case you need one.

Thanks for reading me. Regards and until next time!

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