How to make money with Facebook: 5 Effective Strategies

Many people ask if it is possible to learn how to make money with Facebook, what is more, they do not believe that this is possible. For this, first of all, it is necessary that you understand the influence that this social network has in the modern era.
And the magnitude of this influence is better understood when we discover that there are a large number of people who are working from home, generating a very good source of income thanks to the Internet.

In the specific case of Facebook, this social network has more than two billion active users per month, which should give you an idea of ​​the reach and power that this platform has in the new generations.

In simpler words, this network offers you endless business opportunities since your potential customers are there, so all you have to do is define a strategy that allows you to successfully capture and retain them.

How to make money with Facebook today:

If you are an entrepreneur, or even if you already have your own business, but you are looking to expand it massively, then you need to learn how to make money with Facebook quickly and safely.
The options to earn money on social networks are really varied. For example, you can monetize a Facebook page, create buying and selling groups, or promote third-party products through affiliate links.
However, we recommend that you study all the strategies that you have at hand to know how to make money with Facebook, since only then will you avoid mistakes that will make you waste time and money.

Learn how to earn money with Facebook:

Undoubtedly, Facebook can help you increase your monthly income significantly, since it has numerous tools and platforms to start profitable businesses .

In this guide we will tell you how to earn money with Facebook working from home, on your own schedule and being your own boss.

In this way you will be able to carry out businesses over the Internet that will allow you to achieve your financial independence in the medium or long term.

1. Sell products

how to earn money from facebook
This is one of the most popular strategies that you can carry out if you are interested in learning how to make money with Facebook.

In this social network you can create a buying and selling group, and gradually build your community, since all its members share a specific interest.

If you are interested in making money on social networks, you can monetize this tool in a simple and direct way.
By creating this type of groups you will have the possibility to publish items for sale –new or used-, and even mark those that you are selling to notify other users that you no longer have them in inventory.

Once you have identified the nature of the business, or the types of products you want to market through Facebook, all that remains is to publish your offers to start capturing the interest of users
Knowing how to earn money with Facebook is not a complicated task, especially if you dare to create buying and selling groups, since its dynamics and operation is intuitive and easy.

In short, earning money from home is feasible and you can achieve it by selling products online through this social platform that has more than 2 billion active users per month.

2. Promote third-party products

 how to earn money from facebook
Affiliate marketing can help you a lot if you are thinking about online jobs to earn money, since this model fits perfectly with Facebook, and therefore, you can receive substantial income on a recurring basis.

However, you must understand how the promotion of third-party products works so that you maximize the resources and the results obtained.
For this reason, below we will tell you the step by step so that you learn about how to earn money with Facebook through affiliate marketing :

Step by step Affiliate Marketing on Facebook:

1. Select the affiliate system of the company that seems most profitable to you, such as the Amazon affiliate program , Clickbank, AliExpress, iTunes, among others.
2. Determine the type of product you want to promote (for example, with Clickbank you can promote courses, guides, ebooks and more).
3. Find groups on Facebook that belong to your market niche (if you decide to promote a healthy eating guide, your interest groups are those linked to the fitness lifestyle , exercise, or doing sports).
4. Join these groups, and as soon as you become part of these online communities, you should start sharing your promoted products.

The way to promote these products is through an affiliate link, which is given to you by the company you decide to work with, in order to determine how much you sell and based on that, grant you a commission.

Basically, for each sale made with your affiliate link, from the Facebook groups where you share it, you will earn a commission (this can be up to 75% in some cases).

Tips for success with affiliate marketing:

how to earn money from facebook

– Promote attractive products: 

Ideally, they are in high demand, or offer you a good commission as an affiliate. Identifying them is quite easy, since each company offers you this information in a clear, concise and detailed way.

Amazon offers commissions of up to 12% when promoting products such as clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, and even some products from its private brands.
For its part, Clickbank handles commissions of up to 75% and its offer exceeds 100,000 products, so your promotion options are really wide.

– Do not spam:

One of the worst mistakes you can make is irresponsibly sharing your affiliate link in Facebook groups.
This means that you share it in a grotesque or repetitive way, and consequently, you generate rejection in the members of these virtual communities, since your efforts to sell online are not the most appropriate.

The most recommended thing is that you start to make yourself noticed in the groups in a more natural or organic way, you achieve this in the following way:
Commenting on posts without including your links, at least for a couple of weeks.
Answering doubts.
Providing valuable information to other members about any requirement they have.

That way you will earn their trust and they will be more willing to read everything you comment, including your promotional posts.

How can you promote products organically?

Next we will use the case of the healthy eating guide to explain how you should promote this product in the Facebook groups that you consider most appropriate:

“A friend recently recommended a healthy eating guide to me and told me that it helped him a lot in opting for new healthy habits . That's why I decided to buy it and it turned out to be very effective for eating healthy and losing a couple of kilos. Here I share the link of the guide in case any of you are interested in trying it”. [Insert your affiliate link at the end]

We assure you that if you try to promote your products in this way, you will end up reaching your goals, which will mean that you will generate significant income on Facebook and you will know how to make money on the Internet .

3. Promote your products with paid ads

how to earn money from facebook
Are you wondering how to make money with Facebook in a smart and effective way? Through sponsored ads on this social network you can show your products to thousands of people, since the reach of this service is truly incredible.

The tool known as Facebook Ads allows you to create attractive ads for your audience, and the best part is that you can segment them to the maximum so that their performance is exactly as expected.
However, you'll need a bit of a budget to get started with Facebook Ads (Facebook currently charges $1 a day to promote products virtually through its advertising platform).

How can you make money online with Facebook Ads?:

Below we explain a general step by step on how to start earning money with Facebook through its advertising platform.

1. Identify the products you want to promote (just make sure they are not Facebook-banned products, or else you will be penalized).
2. Design an ad (photo or video) that is useful, valuable, interesting and attractive to your potential customers. Here is an online Facebook Ads course .
3. Create your advertising account on Facebook and configure your payment method, or else you will not be able to activate ads, nor will you know how to earn money on Facebook through this strategy.
4. Segment your ad in detail (Facebook allows you to segment by interests, tastes, demographic aspects, positions and more), since the purpose is that your ad is only shown to people who are truly interested in buying your products or services.

For example, a good segmentation to promote your healthy eating guide with Facebook Ads would be the following:
  • Sex: men and women.
  • Age: between 18 and 35 years.
  • Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina (suppose you live there and want to cover only that market).
  • Interests: health, healthy eating, weight loss, gyms, physical exercise, sports, supplements, healthy food, diets, fitness, crossfit , etc.
You can define as many interests as you consider necessary. To get a better idea of ​​how to do it more accurately, we recommend using the Facebook tool called "Audience Statistics", which you can access from your business administrator (where you created your ad account).

5. Finally, get ready to invest money , activate your ad and get hundreds or thousands of new customers, which will allow you to boost your finances quickly and positively.

4. Sell your Facebook pages

 how to earn money from facebook
If you want other alternatives to know how to make money with Facebook, then we recommend you create a page (Fan Page), build a community and finally sell it to a third party.

Below we will explain how to generate income from the comfort of your home, or from wherever you are, just by accessing this important social network.

Steps to sell a successful Fanpage:

1. Identify a market niche (discover which one has the most potential, or which one can generate greater acceptance in your audience.
2. When you have identified your niche, you should create a Facebook page that is attractive to your target audience, since only then will you capture their attention and discover how to successfully earn money with Facebook.

For example, you can create a page about healthy eating for vegans, and if you make sure you do a good job of interacting with your audience, little by little you will gain thousands of followers (your community will become bigger and more important).
3. Keep your page active (post photos, videos, motivational phrases , or content that adds value to your followers).

You will have to invest time in this, but if your ultimate goal is to monetize your Fan Page, then you need to get down to work without thinking about it.

4. When your page has a significant number of followers -at least 10 thousand- you can sell it to someone else for a good sum of money (the amount is variable, but in general we can tell you that you can earn thousands of dollars with this sale).

It should be noted that Forobeta and Foro20 are some of the platforms available to successfully sell Facebook pages.

This shows, without a doubt, that Facebook offers you impressive freedom, to the point that it represents one of the best jobs to travel the world, since you define your rules, conditions and working hours.

5. Create applications

 how to earn money from facebook
Finally, you can develop apps to earn money that are compatible with this social network, and that allow you to put a good spin on your finances.

However, to be successful and earn extra money in this way, you must ensure that your apps meet a specific need of users.
Although the most important thing is that they can adapt to the monetization systems that Facebook currently uses.

The most standardized are Cost Per Action (CPA), Cost Per Click (CPC), and affiliate marketing.
For example, Candy Crush was a worldwide revolution, and although today it is available for mobile devices, the truth is that it was born as a Facebook application that has generated a lot of money for its developer.

Consequently, Facebook app development can work in your favor if you are looking for jobs from home that will allow you to generate a good income.

Earning money with Facebook is possible:

In this guide we explain how to earn money with Facebook through several important methods, such as monetizing a Fan Page, creating a sales group, or promoting third-party products through affiliate links.

The idea is that you define the ones that are best for you, or ultimately, the ones that are most appropriate for you to achieve your financial independence in the medium or long term.


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